
The scientific objectives of our UMR Biology and Ecology of Deep-sea Ecosystems, aim to describe and understand the composition, structure and functioning of different deep marine ecosystems by coupling faunistic and microbial studies, from communities to molecules and vice versa, using integrated and multidisciplinary approaches.

The project encompasses 3 scientific themes and a transverse action:

Biodiversity of deep-sea ecosystems

The development of a holistic approach is essential to address the challenges posed by the description of the biodiversity of our different ecosystems of interest

Responses and adaptations of organisms

These researches focus on the adaptation and response of living organisms in the deep ocean.

Interactions in deep-sea ecosystems

Our scope encompasses multiple compartments, including interactions of the deep-sea benthos with the above mesopelagic realm through what is called “bentho-pelagic coupling”, interactions between the deep biosphere and geosphere prevailing in specific deep-sea habitats such as hydrothermal vents, sediments with fluid influences, as well as biological interactions within living communities