Atlas of the Abyss Brabant S., Sarrazin, J.
Published by Arthaud Editions editor
Brabant S., Sarrazin, J. and Illustrations by Terrazzoni, J.
What's really going on 20,000 leagues under the sea?
Invisible from the surface, the depths of the deep keep their secrets. Subjected to crushing pressure and plunged into deep darkness, these spaces have long been considered hostile and uninhabitable. However, they are home to several ecosystems: little-known animals with often extraordinary abilities evolve there with grace and slowness. From a few millimeters to several meters long, gelatinous, colorful or graceful, these astonishing beings fascinate. Some even have the ability to change color and illuminate the marine night through bioluminescence. These lights provide a language for hunting, camouflage and seduction!
Embark on a dive into the heart of coral forests, brine lakes, hydrothermal springs, whale carcasses and seamounts, to discover an unsuspected world and its mysteries.