Books & Book Chapters

Find out here books and book chapters in which LM2E has been a contributor.

Brabant, S, Sarrazin, J. Illustrations Terrazzoni J. (2025) Atlas des abysses, Arthaud Editions

What really goes on 20,000 leagues under the sea?
Invisible from the surface, the depths of the ocean treasure their secrets. Subjected to crushing pressure and plunged into deep darkness, these spaces have long been considered hostile and uninhabitable. Yet they are home to a number of ecosystems: little-known animals with often extraordinary abilities evolve there slowly and gracefully. From a few millimetres to several metres long, gelatinous, colourful or graceful, these astonishing creatures fascinate. Some even have the ability to change colour and illuminate the marine night through bioluminescence. These lights are a language they use to hunt, camouflage or seduce!
Embark on a dive to the heart of coral forests, brine lakes, hydrothermal springs, whale carcasses and seamounts, to discover an unsuspected world and its mysteries.

EAN : 9782080295286 ISBN : 9782080295286

Alain K., Cozannet M., Allioux M., Thiroux S., Hartunians J. (2024). Archées : habitats et physiologies associées. In Les archées, micro-organismes du troisième domaine du vivant 1. Découverte, évolution et diversité des archées. 2024. Clouet-d’Orval B., Franzetti B., Oger P. (Dir.). Collections classiques, Encyclopédie SCIENCES, Biologie, microbiologie ISBN 978789481686 / 9781789491685, chap.4, pp.161-215. ISTE Editions Ltd.

Vacher, C., Tamaddoni-Nezhad, A., Kamenova, S., Peyrard, N., Moalic, Y., Sabbadin, R., Schwaller, L., Chiquet, J., Alex Smith, M., Vallance, J., Fievet, V., Jakuschkin, B., & Bohan, D. A. (2016). Learning Ecological Networks from Next-Generation Sequencing Data. In  Advances in Ecological Research, Woodward G., & Bohan D.A. (Ed.), Elsevier, In Press.

Toffin, T. & Alain, K. (2014). Cultivation of marine sub-seafloor microorganisms: state-of-the-art solutions and major issues. In: Microbial Life of the deep biosphere. Kallmeyer, J., Wagner, D. (Ed.), Editions De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, ISBN 978-3-11-030013-0. pp. 83-99.

Cayol, J.-L., Ollivier B., Alazard D., Amils R., Godfroy A., et al. (2012). Les conditions de vie extrêmes sur la planète et exobiologie. In: Ecologie microbienne, Presses Universitaires de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, pp.363-408.

Alain, K. (Ed.).(2010). Les communautés microbiennes des sources hydrothermales du Pacifique : Approches culturales et moléculaires des assemblages microbiens associés aux polychètes hydrothermaux de la famille Alvinellidae. Éditions universitaires européennes, VDM Verlagsservicegesellschaft mbH, Saarbrücken, ISBN 978-613-1-55077-5. 197 pages.

Prévot-Julliard, A.-C., Maris, V., Alain, K., Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Y., Devictor, V., Langlais, A., Not F., Puijalon, S., Pujol, B. (Ed.).(2010). BiodiversitéS : Nouveaux regards sur le vivant. Editions Le Cherche-Midi, coll. Beau livre, Paris, ISBN 978-2-7491-1862-8. 176 pages

Prieur, D., Bartlett, D., Kato, C., Oger, P., & Jebbar, M. (2010). Piezophilic Prokaryotes. In: Comparative High pressure Biology. Sébert, P. (Ed.), Science Publishers, Enfield (NH), Jersey, Plymouth, ISBN 978-15-780-8638-2. pp285-322.

Querellou, J., Allen, M., Cadoret, J.-P., & Collén, J. (2010). Marine Biotechnology. In: Introduction to marine genomics. Vol. 1. Cock, J.M.,Tessamar-Raible,K., Boyen, C., Viard, F. (Ed.), Springer, ISBN 978-90-481-8639-6. pp287-313.

Barloy-Hubler, F., Jebbar, M. (2009). Sinorhizobium meliloti Megaplasmids and Symbiosis in S. meliloti. In: Microbial Megaplasmids, Microbiology Monographs, Springer, pp.91-118, 2009. 

Sotin, C., Prieur, D. (2007). Jupiter's moon Europa : geology and habitability. In: Complete Course in Astrobiology. Horneck, G., Rettberg, P. (Ed.), Wiley, pp.253-270, 2007.

Le Romancer, M., Gaillard, M., Geslin, C., Prieur, D. (2007). Viruses in extreme environments. In: Life in Extreme Environments. Amils Pibernat, Ricardo; Ellis-Evans, Cynan; Hinghofer-Szalkay, Helmut G. (Ed.), Springer, pp.99-113, 2007.

Prieur, D. (2007). An Extreme Environment on Earth: Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents. Lessons for Exploration of Mars and Europa. In: Lectures in Astrobiology ; Vol. II. Muriel Gargaud‎, Hervé Martin, Philippe Claeys. , Springer, pp.319-345, 2007, Advances in Astrobiology and Biogeophysics.

Prieur, D. (2006). Microbial and metabolic diversification. In: From Suns to Life: a Chronological Approach to the History of Life on Earth. Gargaud, M., Claeys, P., López-García, P., Martin, H., Montmerle, T., Pascal, R., Reisse, J. (Ed.), Springer, pp.265-269.

Prieur, D. (2006). Hypothesis about early metabolisms. In: From Suns to Life: a Chronological Approach to the History of Life on Earth. Gargaud, M., Claeys, P., López-García, P., Martin, H., Montmerle, T., Pascal, R., Reisse, J. (Ed.), Springer, pp.167-170, 2006.

Prieur, D., Erauso, G., Flament, D., Gaillard, M., Geslin, C., et al.. Deep-sea Thermococcales and their Genetic Elements: Plasmids and Viruses. In: Extremophiles, Elsevier, pp.253-272, 2006, Methods in Microbiology ; 35.

Godfroy, A., Postec, A., Raven, N. (2006). Growth of hyperthermophilic microorganisms fo physiological and nutritional studies. Extremophiles, Elsevier, pp.93-107, 2006, Methods in Microbiology ; 35.